Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My daughter, Sarah, says I'm freaking out on YouTube and I am! Love it, love being able to find and provide music to you with a simple search. So Happy New Year to you, wherever you are in your journey. Find and refine your voice. 2009 just smells so ready to take us where we need to be: oh yeh...right here.

Thank you for touching my life...and if I've helped you, you're welcome and let's do more.

Peace and love.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Dedicated to Mary Cait and anyone who desires to live out their craft day in, day out.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Icy puddles of snow
plastic snowmen
white wired reindeer
"Jesus is the Reason for the Season"
strung from one limb to another.
A neighborhood walk on Christmas Eve
leaves room for thought.
Stretch to find the highest,
wet feet do not matter.

December 24, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

When I was an adjunct lecturer in NYC, I met lots of young people like this sweetheart. It is my claim to fame. My moment of glory to have crossed paths with such sugar bears.

Welcome to my New York.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Why I love Yoko Ono...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

Today, I vow to continue my dream, goal, present moment life. I KNOW I created this and I KNOW I create tomorrow. So, I put down for you here and now, my statement of release, excitement, peace, and the ending of creating negativity, poverty, and doom. I embrace my wealth, resources, richness of spirit and vision, now.


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

While working on my customer service workshop last night I came across a note I had made after listening to a PBS special with Dr. Wayne Dyer and he was talking about playing the match game. What's that? It's not with Gene Rayburn. It's checking yourself to see if you are matched up to the Source. In harmony. I tried it and instantly solved the dilemma I'd been experiencing for days, weeks, let's face it, years. I'd been doing affirmations recently, and visualization, even putting more into action toward my dream, but still a knotted dread in my gut when I spoke my wishes. Well, the match game works. Instantly I was in alignment.

What is it to be in harmony with the Source (other names can be Universe, God, etc.)? It is to know that you are safe and that everything is working out. It's like going to the chiropracter to have your back adjusted.

Thank yous started coming out of my mouth. Gratitude. Another important component that came out naturally and organically as did the reassurance, the awareness that all is well.

I slept and had magnificent dreams which I know now all relate to the healing and health of my body and Self.

Thank you.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Blogger The Town Hall said...

When you know you can fly you don't have to. When you know you can run you can sit down. When you know you can love - well you just have to!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

This sweet little blog has been sitting patiently for two years with me ne'er touching it once, but now I'm giving it a new face and purpose. I do hope you will feel free to leave a trail of your message relating how you found your true Self; how you ripped off the social mask and became the real You. I'd love to hear it and on this blog I will put in as much as I can find relating to this topic of self-actualization.

I started my quest about five years ago. Something was nagging at me in my public relations jobs and somehow, someway I started following those feelings like bread crumbs leading me out of an area where I was clearly lost. All I knew was that in my mid-40s I still had to actualize my purpose as a writer, something I hadn't really put my full attention on (my fault, no one else's) since my 20s and not much even then. But whatever it was, it was burning inside me and so I started asking friends, family, and what I now know is the Universe for help, direction. My story is far from over but for the last year, I've started to find it.

I left teaching last summer for a funded sabbatical. My mother was sick of hearing me whine about being tired and paid my way to finish my first novel. It's still in its fourth draft and quite undone and not understood by me and she pretty much lost faith in me and told me 'no more!' I asked my boss at the school where I taught too many classes if I could return only to teach online and found myself suddenly unemployed. This was October 2007 and the party had begun. I've had many a night of wishing I could go back and take less classes and write that way, but somehow something always pulls through, and you know what? This is the way I am supposed to hunker down and write.

I want to get to a better place because I still have one daughter in college and another making her way in the fashion industry and I'd like to be able to help them both and not be such a burden, so I am 'damning the torpedos' onward! I am seeing it from the end.

Nice to meet you and feel free to leave a message about your Self actualization journey. I hope this blog will inspire and refresh any of you if you are in a place where you feel like you've missed your mark and maybe it's too late. It's not! Don't listen to the media, your parents, your friends, ignore anyone who tells you you can't do what you feel is your purpose!

My journey - albeit made with several enormous mistakes - is my journey and now I'm on it. I literally threw myself over the cliff and you know what?

I can fly.

And so can you.

Here we go. Feel free to tell your story. I will read it and display them here and we all will benefit.

Much love and remember, "The whole point of desire is to allow the Self to rejoice in Itself." (Sanskrit wisdom)