Wednesday, September 03, 2008

While working on my customer service workshop last night I came across a note I had made after listening to a PBS special with Dr. Wayne Dyer and he was talking about playing the match game. What's that? It's not with Gene Rayburn. It's checking yourself to see if you are matched up to the Source. In harmony. I tried it and instantly solved the dilemma I'd been experiencing for days, weeks, let's face it, years. I'd been doing affirmations recently, and visualization, even putting more into action toward my dream, but still a knotted dread in my gut when I spoke my wishes. Well, the match game works. Instantly I was in alignment.

What is it to be in harmony with the Source (other names can be Universe, God, etc.)? It is to know that you are safe and that everything is working out. It's like going to the chiropracter to have your back adjusted.

Thank yous started coming out of my mouth. Gratitude. Another important component that came out naturally and organically as did the reassurance, the awareness that all is well.

I slept and had magnificent dreams which I know now all relate to the healing and health of my body and Self.

Thank you.