Friday, January 01, 2010

2009, bye-bye, but not without my thanks. For even though it has been a wild ride, it has also been a year of enormous growth and I am a better woman for it. At the close of this year, I understand - at my core - I am a writer, but more specifically, a poet. I realized a person who claims to be a writer, yet frozen in block, must thaw somehow, and poetry does it for me. I've let it go for a long time. It comes easily to me so imagine if I really give it attention!

Happy New Year!

Books read this year by me that helped so much:

"A Course in Miracles"
Mary Oliver's "A Poetry Handbook"
Carlos Castaneda's "Tales of Power"
Steven Covey's "Daily Reflections of Highly Effective People"
Deepak Chopra's "Seven Spiritual Laws of Success"
Wayne Dyer's "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life"
Louise Hay's "You Can Heal Your Life"
and much more!

Another thing I realized this past year was my love for my daughters. Maybe because I finally fell in love with my true self, but I understand and have this passion to convey this to both of them. I have been a good mom, but it is always a chance to be even more effective. Even though they are grown, it is never to late to be of assistance and help, and I am going to be both to my chicks.

Lastly, as I evolve into my true spirit, I know this year is a productive and profitable one, on many levels. I will see my works sent out to the world and I will no longer hold on to them whether only embryos in my imagination or on sloppily written notebook paper. I have a routine, work I gather energy from, and ideas fertile in the ground.

This year I become the farmer I've only claimed to be in the past.

Much love and go to it! This is your life and it is a beautiful one!